In May 2022, we launched the Young Leaders Program for Scholar alumni in the early stages of their careers and post-college lives to create and implement initiatives, companies, and ideas while comprehensively supporting them on their various journeys. The program is based on three components: learning, relationships, and entrepreneurship.

We are very excited about our progress in the past seven months and look forward to sharing what is to come!

See below for program updates and what’s next for Young Leaders Alumni (ages 21-30) and how Sustaining Alumni can support them (ages 30+).

Learning Component…
Advisor Sessions Recap and Upcoming Coach Sessions!

Providing innovative, comprehensive, and personalized support resources to grow Young Leaders, maximize individual potential, and foster community change.

Young Leaders
Advisors “In Residence”:
We held three individual sessions from October through December with the Whole Person, Executives, and Leaders teams respectively. You can learn more about Advisors, session topics, and feedback here. Stay tuned to PeopleGrove for recordings of these sessions. Save the Date for the “Ask Me Anything” Zoom session featuring all Advisors and a welcome by Pete Burridge on January 24, 2023, 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM MST! We’ll bring on six new Advisors in 2023 and begin the sessions quarterly starting in March.

Personalized Coaching: The Young Leaders Program staff have been meeting with Greenhouse community members to form personalized coach pairings around the themes of leadership, professional, personal, and community change. Coaching starts in January 2023!

Sustaining Alumni
Video Library
: We have been working to develop our Video Library on PeopleGrove to provide quality online sources. We’d love to have our Sustaining Alumni (30+) be part of our Video Library on PeopleGrove! If you are interested in being interviewed for the library around leadership, professional, personal, or community change themes, please email Michelle Kruk.

Relationship Component…
Illinois Regional Meetup Recap and Upcoming Career Fair! 

Helping Young Leaders foster relationships that matter for powering ideas, actions, and community change.

Young Leaders
Illinois Regional Meetup: We kicked off our first Regional Alumni meetup in Chicago in October! Alumni from 7 class years joined host Nick Tarleton and Young Leaders Program staff for an evening of fun and engagement by fostering relationships, engaging with each other, and playing Whirlyball! Some alumni drove 6+ hours from other states and flew in to participate! You can read more about the event here.

Colorado Regional Meetup: Save the date for the Colorado meetup on May 12, 2023, 4:30-6 PM in Denver hosted by alumna Connie Appiah right before the Glass Half Full Colorado event!

Virtual Career Fair: Stay tuned for more details on a virtual career fair in 2023 that will connect Young Leaders with Greenhouse community corporations, hiring professionals, and sector-focused conversations.

All Alumni
: If you haven’t already, join our cross-community online engagement platform, PeopleGrove to build relationships with fellow alumni and the Greenhouse community.

Do you have an available internship or job opportunity for our Scholars or Young Leaders? Post the opportunity to PeopleGrove and email Michelle Kruk

Save the Date for Ignite! Friday, August 4 – Sunday, August 6, 2023.
Stay tuned for more information including accommodations and travel stipends.

Entrepreneurship Component…
Upcoming Idea Creation and Enhancement Sessions!

Helping Young Leaders create and sharpen business ideas at every stage of development. From ideation to business resources to seed funding, we’re building an ecosystem to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and launch high-potential ideas.

Young Leaders
We are very excited to be in the planning phase of the regional, in-person Idea Creation, Enhancement, and Execution support sessions next year. Stay tuned to apply to attend these sessions starting in March 2023. 

Sustaining Alumni
We would love for you to participate in our regional Ideation sessions to help our Young Leaders flesh out new, high-potential ideas. If you are interested in participating in one of these sessions in 2023, email Jamie Clay.

Alumni Updates…
Congratulations Scholar Alumni!

We’d love to update our alumni community on all of your exciting professional and personal life updates. Do you have updates to share? You can complete this survey at any time and let us know! See below for some current updates.

Lara Alkarim (CO ’16): Lara spoke to the New York Development Board in November.

Jose Banales (CO ’19): Jose started a new position as a Customer Success Manager at Zayo Group! He’s been with Zayo since 2018 and this is his third position with them.

Yasmin Cortes (CO ’20): Yasmin spoke to the Illinois Development Board in November.

Nadeen Ibrahim (CO ’17): Nadeen was promoted at the East Colfax Community Collective to Organizing Director.

Michelle Kruk (IL ’16): Kruk spoke to the Illinois Greenhouse community at Glass Half Full Illinois in October.

Ousaf Moqeet (IL ’22): Moqueet spoke to the Illinois Greenhouse community at Glass Half Full Illinois in October.

Nick Tarleton (IL ’16): Hosted our first Young Leader’s regional meetup in Chicago in October.

Want to learn more? Stay connected!

To stay up to date on the Young Leaders Program and how we are providing comprehensive support to alumni in the early stages of their career and post-college life, click here.