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Urjii immigrated to the United States at a young age and despite her struggle to adopt to the culture and overcome countless challenges, she has focused on showing gratitude by giving back to others. Bayt Al Hikma, translating to “the house of wisdom,” is an organization Urjii and her peers created as an open online education resource for Ethiopians. She has successfully raised $4,200 to establish Bayt Al Hikma’s future and opened job opportunities for four individuals in Ethiopia. Her background as an Oromo immigrant has shaped her involvement as she continues to find ways to give back. Urjii works to mentor and tutor girls in STEM in the Oromia countryside. She aspires to use her engineering education to solve problems such as climate change and the plastic problem using technology. She is currently working on a climate change solution that would allow people to throw away trash in its appropriate category. This is a response to the pollution crisis in Ethiopia and she aspires to use her engineering education to establish an educational tech company for women in her hometown, Adama. 


  • Bayt Al Hikma “the House of Wisdom”, Co-Founder 
  • REDI LAB Acadamy, Researcher 
  • The Gujii Foundation, Girls Ambassador