Greenhouse Scholars, both our organization and the community of Scholars we serve, are among the hardest hit by COVID-19 and its economic impact. We are relentlessly hopeful, focused, and determined.
We are fighting for our shared future.
The need is real. The need is vital.
The need is now.

Thank you to all of the Vital Needs Fund donors:

Anonymous Individuals (CO)
Anonymous Individual (IL)
8z Real Estate
Carly and Erik Abrahamson
Mike Acker
Juliann Ackerberg
Stephanie Adams-Ball
Amari Agee
Penelope Harley and Dennis Ahlburg
Holly Ajala*
Amy and Ken Aldridge
Geoff Ames
Kiren and Anand Annigeri
Allen Ashley
Vera Asuamuzuah*
Bryce Badwan
Whitney and Andrew Baker
Kimberly Baker
Dianne Gates and William Baldwin
Jenny and Kevin Ball
Lisa and Joe Bankoff
Betsie and David Ball
Cynthia Banks
Libby and Brooks Barge
Anne Bartuszevige
Mark Batzel
Monica Beam
Jen and Walter Beamer
Ben and Eilah Beavers
Cara and Don Bechter
Jennifer and Jay Behringer
Summer Bell
Jeanie and Larry Bell
Elaine Gantz Berman and Steve Berman
Carla and Don Berryann
Katharina Bethea
Maritt and Mike Bird
Tracey and Howard Blitz
Hannah Blum
Christine and Bob Bohnsak
Borstein Kant Family Charitable Foundation
Bossert Family Trust
Amina Bouyad*
Lauren Maynard and Coley Brenan*
Margot and Charlie Brinley
Shelisa and Chris Brunner
Andrea and Dick Burridge
Maria and Pete Burridge*
Ashton and Scott Burridge*
Candice Kiesow and Lester Butt
Ashley Bynoe
Brooke Cabeceiras
Osvaldo Calzada*
Candace Carey
Nancy Carlisle
Antonio Cerda
Doris Cheung
Nichol Coleman*
Joanne Ernst and Jim Collins
Mary Claire Collins
Jessica Rappaport and David Colton
Molly and Thomas Coogan
Danielle Cooney
Ruth Cordes
Merle Cowin
Darlene and Glyn Cowlishaw
Kathy and Guy Crane
Allison and Jesse Criz
Haley Croke
Monica Beckford Curry and Jamison Curry*
An Dang*
Seth Davis
Danielle and Bryan Dehmler-Buckley
Kate Demet
Sarah Demet
Shanna and Tim Derry
Roberta and Reed Deupree
Chris DiBartolo
Mariah DiGrino
Randi and Steven Dmiszewicki
Elaine Lack-Dompka and Regis Dompka
Nancy and Bruce Downing
Lance and Elisa Downs
Calvin Dretske
Sally and Ken Dulin
Ann Eberle
Laura and Scott Eisen
Anne Esson
Max Faberman
Brittany Farber
Jacqueline and Robert Fattore
Gina Fielder
Barbara Fink
Mandy and Brannon Fisher
Donna Fisher
Daniel Flora
Frechette Family Foundation
Carol Frischman
Ashley Galler
Angela and John Galloway
Ryan Gallup
Chris Gang
Allen Gant III
Denise Gant
Karena Garriques
Tonya Gauff
Sameer Ghaznavi
Joanne and Jim Granzotto
Nicole Felton and Paul Ginsberg
Brad Goldsberry*
Rob Gordon
Stephen Gordon
Ross Green
Britney Greeson
Yan Grinblat
Kristen and Scott Gygi
Julie Haggerty
Jennifer and Seth Hanau
Renee Harkey
Pamela Harting
Katrina Hausfeld
Wally and Audrey Head
Alicia and Dustin Heard
Ann and Ed Henegar
Ann Donovan and Jim Heneghan
Elizabeth Hensleigh
Jennifer Hentschel
Amber and Stan Hickory
Katie Hobbs
Lisa Hobbs
Jessica and Ben Hogan*
Katie Holmes
Marci and Eric Holt
Shelia Houston
Jennifer and Jim Howell
Jacquelyn Howze
Lauren Hudgins*
Sirina and Saul Huerta*
Tucker and Brian Humphrey
Marian and Gerald Jablonski
John Jablonski
Melissa and Steve Jarmel
Kerry Johnson
Karen and Johnathan Jones
Robert Kairis
Matt Kelly
Laura Kenton
Erin Kersten
Oliver Kimberly
Mary Jane and Dave Kirkpatrick
Katherine and Douglas Knuth
Chad Kollar
Candace and Mark Kristensson
Michelle Kruk*
Lynanne and Ray Kunkel on behalf of Timolyn Esson and the Front Steps Project
Mike Laber
Brock Labertew
Strohe LaCroix
Nancy Lang
Amy and Andrew Larson
Sally LaVenture
Laura and Patrick Lederer
Roberta Levin
Susan Lichtenfeld
Carol and Bill Lorenz
Kate Lorenz
Gail and Robert Loveman
Desiree Lucas*
Gret Luhrs*
Mary and Tim Lyne
Megan and James Macintosh
Ariel and Cliff Mactavish
Kristine and David Mahon
Julie and Karl Maier
Shawn Malayter
Pamela Harting and Ted Marusarz
Tyler Mattox
Caleb Mayfield
Michael McCown
LaChina McDonald
Irene McElroy
Terri McGowan
Jim McHose
Anita McKinley
Jim and Jill McNichols
Jamie Meacham
Michael Melillo
Leslie and Bill Meyers
Vicky Krabill and Scott Milton
Rick Mitchell
Steve and Michelle Monieson
Sean Moriearty
Terri and Dick Morrell
Andrew Morrison
Linda and Steve Mungall
Paul Murphy
Breanna Doll and Ben Mustin*
Laura Lippman and Henry Mustin
Niraj Naik
Namaste Foundation
Lisa and Ted Neild
Next Gen Allies
Chau Nguyen
David Nickel
Linda and Nils Nordberg
Jenevie Nuñez*
Michael O’Brien
Catherine Olkin
Tena Olson
Doris Cheung and Timothy O’Neill
Mikayla and Aron Palma Chavez*
Arianne and Andrew Parisi
Robert Parisot
Kimberly and Shawn Paulk
Fred Paulman
Kara Pellaton
Dena Perry
Christine Peschier
Lucas Peña-Gonzalez
Patricia Peterson
Rebecca and Paul Peterson
Pam and John Pierce
Judy and Tom Pool
Kimberley Popetz
Valerie Powell
Amanda and Jamie Prakhine*
Mary Pyle
Gwen Quackenbush
Hilary and Daniel Quagliana
Ayesha Rahman*
Patti and Chip Ramsey
Jill and Brent Rasmussen
Lea Ratliff
Anjali and Jerome Reddy
Thomas Regur
Ashton and Kyle Reppert*
Nancy and TJ Rhine
Sue and Larry Ricketts
David Rolla*
David Rosen
Cassidy Rush
Mimi Chau, Chris Rurik, and the Russell Family Foundation*
Sabrina Saldana
Diane and Colin Sankey
Yvonne and Mark Savarise
Evan Scanzera
Marti and Rick Schuham
Vicky Krabill and Milton Scott
Shelley Sendelbach
Deborah and Dave Serke
Catherine Shea
Andreas Shepard
Kelly Sheridan
Nancy and Jim Shortall
Kelsey Siderius
Debbie Sills
Jeffrey Silverman
Kelsi Singer
Carla Williams and Sean Skuba*
Jill and Jon Skuba
Terri Slivka
Carly Smith
Dean Smith
Smith Family Fund
Markell and Val Smith
Reva and Olusola Soyemi
Stuart Spangler
Elle Staley*
Ira Star
David Stockmeier
Megan Sullivan
Erica Tarantur
Nicholas Tarleton*
Kate and Jeff Todd*
Sheila Todd
James Unger
Sandra Vannice
Tyler Wallace
Diana Wallace
Allison and Will Wallace*
Brian and Janet Weed
Julia Richman and Puck Wheaton
Brianna Whitaker*
Michelle White
Andra Pool and Gary Wiese*
Sara and Tab Williams
Hayden Willing
Paige Wilson
Stefanie Winfield
Barbara Woodbury
Jody and Betsy Wright
Elizabeth Wright
Jeff Ziegler
Leah Granzotto and Erik Zillner*
*Indicates Greenhouse Scholars student, alum, staff, or past staff
We also want to express our immense appreciation for the several hundred additional individuals, corporations, and foundations that contributed to our operating needs during this same time period.
We also accept gifts via stock, donor-advised funds, wire transfers, and estate bequests. Please contact Andra Pool ( for assistance.