While Jessica was working to become valedictorian of her class and the first in her family to attend college, her father was diagnosed with a life threatening heart condition. Jessica was inspired by the doctors and devices that helped save her father’s life and has been deeply passionate about medicine ever since.

With the help of Greenhouse Scholars Flex Funding and donors like you, Jessica established a nutrition education program in New Haven elementary schools. She is also gathering data to test the program’s efficacy and viability for expansion. Her project aims to make students healthier by increasing their awareness of what they eat and giving them more agency over what they are served at school.


We rely on donations from you and other members of the Greenhouse Scholars community to support this program. Today, you can provide life-changing opportunities for deserving and high-performing students like Jessica.

$10,000 – Sponsor a Scholar for one full year (like the Brickman family does for Jessica)

$2,000 – Cover the cost of Jessica’s elementary school health education program

$1,000 – Allow Elizabeth Lazarus, a Greenhouse Scholar from Georgia, to present her research at the American Public Health Association

$500 – Send Greenhouse Scholar Ellie Ellis to the Geologic Society of America Conference

Any amount – Become a valued member of the Greenhouse Scholars community by supporting our Flex Funding Program

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