Since 2012 the Hinsdale community has embraced and supported Greenhouse Scholars in so many ways and we want to say ‘Thank You.’

In that time, over 500 residents have joined our community and become catalysts for lasting change by participating in New Scholar Selection, attending our Glass Half Full event in September, sitting on our Development and Advisory Board, mentoring the exceptional students in our program, or committing to a 4-year pledge to Sponsor a Scholar. Together they’ve contributed over 6,100 hours of their time and more than $1.2 million. Our appreciation for this level of support and involvement cannot be overstated.

An additional thank you to our top corporate partners: RMB Capital, McCleary Group Real Estate, Hinsdale Bank and Trust, Continental Electrical Construction Company, Dave Knecht Homes, and Fidelity Investments.

You are truly catalysts for change.

Want to get involved?

Host a House Party for Glass Half Full 2019!

Open up your doors and invite your friends and neighbors to celebrate Greenhouse Scholars! Join Greenhouse Scholars and our community of supporters at our annual Hinsdale event for food and drinks and a celebration of community. If you’re interested in hosting a private gathering at your home next Fall, please contact Monica.

Join our Professional Network

Help Scholars think strategically about their career direction and community impact while providing essential insights and connections into the professional world. Email for more information.

Become a Mentor

Create a one-on-one relationship with one of our Scholars and help guide them as they navigate college and make important decisions about their careers. Email for more information.

Sponsor A Scholar

Families or groups can also sponsor a Scholar with an annual gift. Email for more information.

Make an individual donation at

$10,000 supports one Scholar for one full year of college
$5,000 funds a one-year tuition grant
$2,000 provides grants for life-changing opportunities like community impact projects, lab research, study abroad, and internships
$100 – $1,000 general program donation provides support such as computers and books

For more information on ways to get involved, please contact Monica at or 312-784-3213.

Hinsdale Hosts and Champions

Thank you to those who have already gone above and beyond for our organization!

Andrew and Donna Brickman
John and Mary Bucheleres
Dick & Andrea Burridge, Jr.
Ben Bremen
Georganne & John Campbell
Sue & Ron Christoph
Greg DiDomenico & Patrick Oberle
Jim and Nancy Dugan
Rick & Karen Eck
Dimitri & Angela Eliopoulos
Bill & Tricia Enright
Molly and Jerry Hughes
Gerry and Mar Jablonski
Paul & Anne Joyaux
Mary & Jerry Klingenberger
Dave & Karen Knecht
Megan & Tom McCleary
Lisa and Jerry Moore
Fred Paulman
Janek Pedersen
Jill and Brent Rasmussen
Linda and Jeff Sluman
Erica Tarantur
The Teuscher family
Sarah & Preston Tims
Gwen Quackenbush & Dick Burridge, Sr.
Kevin & Diana Viravec
Brian & Janet Weed
David & Jeanne Witz
Bill and Kristy Woolfolk