Hundreds of high school seniors are anxiously planning for college and beginning their Greenhouse Scholars applications, hoping to be selected to our Whole Person program. We invite our supporters to help us choose the next group of exceptional young leaders who will become the Class of 2021.

Volunteers are crucial in helping us make selections each year. This is a unique opportunity for our community to better understand the impressive young leaders who apply to Greenhouse Scholars and seeing, in action, just how much your investment and support means.

See below for more information on the commitment and timing. Please contact Lindsey Price at by December 1st if you are interested in participating.

ROUND 1 – Written Application Reading and Scoring
Volunteers are placed on review teams and assigned 7 – 8 applications to read and score. The volunteer team comes together for a one-hour in person meeting to discuss each member’s respective rankings and recommend which applications to progress to the next round of review.

  • Week of December 12 – Volunteers are sent access to applications and scoring criteria.
  • Thursday, January 5 – Scoring is due from volunteers in the online application system.
  • Week of January 9 – Volunteer team meets for one hour to discuss selection of semifinalists.

ROUND 2 Video Application Evaluation
Volunteers read and score 7-8 student applications then watch a short video response from each candidate to better understand their personality and fit with the program. The volunteer team comes together for a one-hour in person meeting to discuss each member’s respective rankings and recommend which applications to progress to the final round of review; the interview stage.

  • Week of February 13 – Volunteers are sent access to applications and scoring criteria.
  • Sunday, February 26 – Scoring is due from volunteers in the online application system.
  • Week of February 27 – Volunteer team meets for one hour to discuss selection of semi-finalists.

Thank you for supporting our program and helping us to cultivate a community of leaders who are creating lasting change.