Crystal’s family’s circumstances caused her to attend three different high schools; despite this and other challenges, her commitment to service never wavered, and as a senior at Abraham Lincoln High School she was awarded Mentor of the Year for helping a younger student raise her GPA from a 0.0 to a 3.0.

Crystal has long known that she wanted to help young people, but was unsure how. Last year, through Greenhouse Scholars’ Professional Networking program, Crystal was put in contact with Kate Brenan, Director of Teacher Leadership and Collaboration at Denver Public Schools. Through Kate, Crystal was able to connect with several other DPS employees who represented the array of career paths available to her. Crystal was thrilled with what she was able to learn from these contacts, saying, “I had never really considered being a school counselor, but after meeting with Kate, I felt excited to start researching a career path that I feel a strong passion for.”


We rely on donations from you and other members of the Greenhouse Scholars community to support this program. Today, you can provide life-changing opportunities for deserving and high-performing students like Crystal.

$10,000 – Sponsor a Scholar for one full year (like 8z Real Estate does for Crystal)
$2,000 – Recruit, vet, and train 15 Professional Networking contacts
$1,000 – Cover the cost of 50 Scholars’ Professional Networking meetings
$500 – Enable surveys and follow up to track and improve program results
Any amount – Become a valued member of the Greenhouse Scholars community by supporting our Professional Networking program

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