Providing therapy and financial assistance to victims of domestic violence.

Throughout her life, Olivia has taken the initiative to overcome harsh circumstances for herself and those around her. Raised by her single mother while her father remained incarcerated, Olivia took on much of the responsibility of caring and providing for her family through part-time jobs while balancing academics, school activities, and volunteerism. Olivia earned the money needed to purchase new cleats for her youngest brother so he could try out for the football team (he made it!). “It wasn’t the material thing that helped him make the team, it was the fact that someone believed in him.”

Oliva took note that students weren’t getting the most out of their education, so through her Teacher Cadets program she led the creation of a week-long event that connected students to available school activities and opportunities. After learning of an after-school leadership development program available to students at a high school across town, Olivia rode the bus two hours across town to introduce herself, and then once again made the trip to drop off her application in-person. It was through this organization that she learned about Greenhouse Scholars.

Inspired by her single mother’s work with the disabled, Olivia is passionate about nursing as a pathway to lifting up the less fortunate. In addition, Olivia plans to launch a nonprofit for victims of domestic violence where they will receive support via therapy and financial assistance.


  • Hidden Valley Elementary, After School Teacher’s Assistant
  • Housing Partnership Intern
  • Marching Band Section Leader