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Michelle strives to impact her community through social justice projects that she is passionate about including AIDS, genocide, human trafficking, malaria, mental illness, and poverty. Her compassionate nature is evident as she devoted over 1,000 volunteer hours in high school to serving as a voice for youth on Loveland’s Youth Advisory Commission, helped Loveland allocate funds to nonprofit agencies through the Human Services Commission, tutored, and volunteered at a medical center, amongst other activities. Still active in service at CSU, Michelle is in the Honors Program, Campus Corps, First Year Mentoring Program, LeaderShape, and the Philanthropy Chair of Gamma Phi Beta where she organized a fundraiser for over 750 attendees. She serves on a leadership role in Human Trafficking Awareness Night each spring that draws over 250 students. As a mentor puts it, Michelle “has a heart for others that gives without expecting anything in return.”