Providing rural-area residents with knowledge and equitable healthcare.

Hailing from the rural mountains of North Carolina, Lindsey is a remarkable leader with a deep connection to her community. As the esteemed NC District 8 President of Health Occupations Students of America, Lindsey utilizes her profound understanding of the region to make a lasting impact. Her club initiatives have raised over $1,000 for the Be the Match Organization, showcasing her unwavering dedication to improving the lives of others. Recognizing the importance of giving back, Lindsey actively engages with her community through volunteer work at local after-school programs and as a valuable member of the student council. With an innate passion for public health, Lindsey aspires to delve deeper into her field of interest. Driven by a profound desire to make a difference, she envisions herself ultimately becoming a physician and returning to underserved rural areas, where her roots lie, to provide much-needed care to those who need it the most.


  • Regional HOSA chapter, President
  • Varsity Cheer Captain
  • Beta Club, Vice President