Growing up low-income, Jenny’s mom, who could not obtain higher education, had to work extra hard to make ends meet. Inspired by her perseverance, she is committed to inspiring a diverse generation of future STEM professionals who come from backgrounds like hers, a first-generation student and female minority. Pursuing her career goal of becoming a doctor, she has faced discrimination and backhanded compliments targeting her gender and Asian ethnicity. However, instead of dwelling on these hardships, she have reflected on them. They encourage her to work harder to make her dreams come true. Through Greenhouse Scholars, Jenny would like to be a changemaker in the field of medicine by improving STEM education, healthcare policies for underserved groups, and the diversity of medical research cohorts. Helping her community is the first step and she enjoys doing so through service. Being President of Service-Learning Ambassadors, she learned the power of collaboration and open communication. With the help of other club members, Jenny organized a STEM coloring book project for young students to spark their interest and help them realize their potential in the STEM field. It included diverse historical figures, basic STEM concepts, and possible career descriptions. She hope to continue exploring the intersection between the humanities and sciences to find solutions for a healthier, fairer future for everyone.


  • Service-Learning Ambassadors, President
  • Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Research Assistant
  • Ladies of STEM, Public Relations Officer and Secretary