Providing affordable healthcare services to Latinos.

The first in her family to attend college, Lupe is challenging the barriers of Latinas in higher education. The oldest of 5 girls, Lupe seamlessly manages a 30-hour work week while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. As a dual enrolled student, she will earn an associates degree in Networking Administration alongside her high school diploma. An advocate for herself and others, Lupe is the Founder and CEO of two nonprofit organizations; Eyes on Chicago, teaching interactive science activities to kids ages 3-11 and Resilient Hands for Latine, helping migrants in Chicago by providing food and clothing. In her free time, Lupe volunteers at a hospital assisting patients-especially those needing Spanish translation. Lupe will continue her contributions to healthcare by studying human biology at Stanford University.


  • The Resilient Hands Foundation for Latine, Founder
  • Eyes On Chicago, Co-Founder
  • University of Illinois Hospital, Volunteer