Inspire my community to strive for greatness and empower first-generation students to accomplish their dreams.

Fernando is a talented and effervescent individual. He is very social and well-liked by his peers, but family, faith and music are most important to him. He is a Worship Band founder, director, and leader, choir member, self-taught guitar player, and aspires to be a multi-instrumentalist. Those who know and love Fernando speak to his maturity, dedication, accountability and leadership ability. “Even from his freshman year, Fernando’s maturity was noticeable and impressive.” Fernando is a leader in his family and is determined to change their trajectory. He is a first-generation American, the first in his family to graduate high school, and the first to attend college. “As the oldest, it’s important for me to create a legacy that not only sets an example for my younger siblings, but it creates a pathway of success for them and my community.”


  • Teen Retreat, Leader
  • Worship Band, Leader
  • Underwriters Laboratories Marketing, Intern