Providing affordable and proper patient-centered care for marginalized communities in the United States.

Christina is the proud daughter of Mexican immigrant parents. Not having finished elementary school, they instilled in her the importance of education and taking advantage of every opportunity. Christina not only maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school, she also took dual enrollment classes to obtain her CNA license and earned college credit from a summer course at Harvard University. Christina says she is committed to transforming the healthcare system to ensure that one’s socioeconomic background does not stand in the way of living a healthy life. She became keenly aware of the systemic barriers that affect marginalized communities when her father was denied access to quality medical care due to a lack of health insurance. Christina is intentional about exposing herself to problems in the healthcare system and researching possible solutions. Her goal is to provide affordable and patient-centered care for marginalized communities.


  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Community Advocacy Leader
  • Community Health Initiative Leadership