- Bruno recognized he wanted more for his academic future after being tracked into a second tier program in middle school; he remembers his parents, who themselves did not go to college, pointing out how good his grades were and encouraging him to think about college. Bruno set out to make them proud and took his first AP class his freshman year. He went on to graduate high school in the top 10% of his class.
- Bruno’s priorities were not limited to academics; he set out to create a bridge for opportunity in his high school community. As chairman of the Collaborative School Committee, which brought together teachers, parents, student leaders, and community members to solve problems facing his high school.
- He also advocated for his peers as the Board of Education student representative from South High School, collaborating with board members, local officials and other leaders to improve the Denver Public Schools community. In this role, his advisor proclaimed him a ‘major force for change’.
- Finally, as a senate leader for all four years, he joined the Black Student Alliance and Muslim Student Alliance so he could better understand, and represent, the diverse needs of his school.