Arianna was born and raised in the United States, but spent the last nine years living in Peru. After COVID-19 hit and the political situation in Peru crumbled, her family made the immense sacrifice of returning to the U.S. so both Arianna and her sister could finish school. She’s known since a very young age that she wanted to become a doctor, so Arianna took the initiative and enrolled in a health career vocational high school. Because of this, she is graduating with certifications as a Patient Care Technician and a Health Information Manager. Education is her way to give back to the communities that have formed her, honoring her family’s sacrifices, and honoring her promise to herself of becoming a doctor.


  • Hispanic Organization Promoting Education (HoPe), Vice President 
  • Community, Action, and Service, Leader of Recreational Activities
  • Assodecca Dental Mission, Translator Volunteer