All 18 years of her life, Allison has lived in Wiggins, a small town in the eastern plains of Colorado. The rurality formed a sense of isolation: a feeling that would drive her to pursue more. Because of the environment she grew up in, her goals in life include seeing as many places, learning as many things, and experiencing as many events as possible to get a fuller picture of the world. In Allison’s lifetime, she hopes to empower and assist others in doing the same: to experience a world outside of the comfort zone they’ve grown up in and change their own communities for the better. Throughout high school, she did the most she could with the limitations she faced. Allison was very fortunate to be supported in these endeavors. She took on leadership positions in 4-H club, Student Council, FBLA, NHS, and more in hopes of leading the changes she hoped to see in her community.


  • Colorado Student Leaders Institute, Student Board Member
  • Future Business Leaders of America, Vice President
  • 4-H, Treasurer and President